Prosperity Depot
The Prosperity Depot is available to rent for many events and programs. The cost is very reasonable. Please call Town Hall with questions 803-364-2622.
Wedding Receptions
Class Reunions
Birthday Parties
Rental Guideline - Click Here to Download

40 years to the day of the Depot's closing by Southern Railway, the newly painted and rehabilitated Prosperity Depot was rededicated to the citizens of Prosperity. The Palmetto Trust, the Town of Prosperity and Palmetto Conservation Foundation opened the doors for the first time since the Bicentenial celebration in 1976 and showed off items from the depot's history that have been returned since work began this summer. Special guest Bishop Fredrick James cut the ribbon that once seperated the segregated waiting rooms; the same waiting room that kept him from entering the depot when his mother purchased a ticket for him 85 years ago.